Group photo of NET teachers and students enjoying Shek O beach.
Victor, Prince (3C) and Leo (3D) taking a rest as the climb the steps up Dragons Back.
The never ending steps!
Students having some free time playing in the sand.
Ms Tamzin leading the climb up the mountain.
Students and teachers pose at the top of Dragons Back.
Hyman (2C) writing messages in the sand.
Mr Kevin and students enjoying the beautiful views on top of Dragons Back.
Kelvin (3A), Johnson and Mikle (3D) winning against Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College.
Holm Glad’s first Chess team competing at Hong Kong Inter School Chess Championships 2023.
Galie (1D), Jayden (1D) and Chris (1D) designing postcards inspired by the Ndebele Tribe patterns.
Jasmine (4A), Fairy (4A), Esther (4D), and Vienne (4D) demonstrating their newfound ability to play the Djembe (African drum).
Students having fun playing indigenous African games
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