中一自行分配學位申請須知 (2024年9月入學)

1. 申請表派發日期

1) 2023年11月13日 (星期一) 開始可於下列時間往學校校務處索取申請表格。
  星期一至五 :08:30 - 17:00                                                                         
  星期六 :09:00 - 12:00
2) 可從本校網頁(https://www.holmglad.edu.hk) 《中一自行分配學位申請》項目下載申請表格。

2. 申請日期

2024年1月2日 (星期一)至1月16日 (星期二)

3. 遞交表格方法

3.1   方法一:申請者到校遞交申請表


         星期一至五    :08:30-12:00及13:30-17:00

         星期六           :09:00-12:00

         申請表須連同遞交文件(參看須知第4項) 及貼上$2.20郵票之回郵信封2,並放入公文袋內


3.2   方法二:透過中一派位電子平台(SSPA e-Platform)遞交申請表




4. 遞交文件清單


填妥之申請表 (註:學生不需要提交小學推薦信)




學生身份證及影印本 學生出世紙及影印本








回郵長信封 (每個回郵信封須清楚寫上學生姓名、地址及貼上足夠郵資$2.20的郵票)





面試將於2024年3月9日 (星期六) 舉行,詳情將以書面通知所有申請人及在本校網頁 (www.holmglad.edu.hk) 公佈。家長如在2024年2月29日仍未收到面試通知書,請於3月1至4日致電本校校務處林小姐(27274311)查詢。

6. 收生準則


  1. 小學的學業成績 (40%)
  2. 面談表現 (30%)
  3. 品行及課外活動表現 (30%)
  4. 註:申請人與學校的關係 (可獲額外分數)

7. 收生取錄公佈


8. 中一學額分配




S.1 Discretionary Places Allocation Notes for Application (Admission in September 2024)

1. Distribution of Application Form

1) The application form will be distributed via our school office on 13 November 2023 and onwards.

     Monday to Friday:  08:30-17:00

     Saturday:                09:00-12:00

2) The application form can also be downloaded from our school website (https://www.holmglad.edu.hk).

2. Application Period

    2 January 2024 (Monday) to 16 January 2024 (Tuesday)

3. Submission of Application Forms

3.1 Method (1)submitted to school office in person

Application form can be submitted to our school during the office hours.

Monday to Friday:  08:30-12:00 and 13:30-17:00

Saturday:                09:00-12:00

Application form and the required documents (refer to Point 4 of the Notes) with TWO self-addressed stamped envelopes ($2.20 each) can be kept in an A4 document envelope and submitted to our school office.

After checking the applications, our school will return the Parent’s Copy of the Application Form to parents for retention.

3.2 Method (2): submitted through SSPA e-Platform

Applicants can follow the application period to submit the application form and the required documents through EDB SSPA e-platform.

The filled application form and the required documents (refer to Point 4 of the Notes) should be attached on SSPA e-platform.

Applicants can follow the application period to submit TWO self-addressed stamped envelopes ($2.20 each) in person or by post.

4. Lists of application documents:


Filled application form (Recommendation letter is NOT required)


S.1 Discretionary Places application form issued by EDB


HKID of the applicant and the copy OR Birth Certificate of the applicant and the copy


Report Cards of Primary 5 (First Term and Second Term) of the applicant and the copies


Report Cards of Primary 6 (First Term) of the applicant and the copies


Applicant's religion, Merits in P.5 & P.6, ECA Certificates and Prizes, and the copies (if applicable)


Self-addressed stamped envelopes (with applicant's name & address written clearly, $2.2 each):

Submission in person: TWO self-addressed stamped envelopes

Submission by post: THREE self-addressed stamped envelopes

Submission through SSPA e-platform: TWO self-addressed stamped envelopes

5. Date of Interview

The interview will be held on 9 March 2024 (Saturday). All applicants will be notified by post by 29 February 2024 using the self-addressed stamped envelope submitted. Applicants may also visit our school website (www.holmglad.edu.hk) for the updates of the interview. Parents may contact with Ms. Lam of our school office at 27274311 on 01 to 02 March 2024 if the interview notice is not received on 29 February 2024.

6. Selection Criteria

Applicants are selected based on the following criteria:

(1) Academic performance in primary school (40%)

(2) Performance during interview (30%)

(3) Performance in conduct and non-academic activities (30%)

(4) Remarks: Connection between the applicant and our school (extra marks)

7. Announcement of Application Result

The successful applicants will be informed through mail and phone on 27 March 2024.

8. Distribution of S.1 Places

The numbers of S.1 discretionary places and central allocation for 2024 are 41 and 87 respectively, a total of 128.

The through-train connection mode between our school and 'The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad Primary School' has terminated since 2018. All S.1 places will open for application for all P.6 students.


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